GetDigital webinar series: digital health for ADHD


About This Event

Digital technology offers the potential to provide tailored solutions for healthcare, increasing service efficiencies and enhancing the flexibility of support for service users. Technologies have already transformed some aspects of healthcare for physical health conditions, with growing interest in the mental health/neurodivergence landscape. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex, prevalent neurodevelopmental condition which onsets in early childhood and persists into adulthood for most. Growing public awareness of the symptoms and challenges associated with ADHD has led to increased demand on healthcare services which is often challenging for healthcare providers to meet. In the U.K., there are currently waiting lists of 2-5 years in many parts of the country for initial diagnostic assessment, and limited access to non-pharmacological treatments. These challenges are likely to increase without radical shifts in the way healthcare for ADHD is designed and delivered.

In this talk I will outline ways in which innovations in digital technologies for healthcare may support and augment the care pathway for ADHD. I will draw upon the current evidence base to highlight examples of innovations and developments already being applied to clinical practice, and future innovations at an earlier stage of development. I will also describe the many factors that must be considered when developing and applying technologies for complex conditions such as ADHD, and the procedures and approaches that are needed to address these factors. This includes guidelines for how best to evaluate and integrate technology within care pathways, and the importance of co-production with end users of the technologies, including those with lived experience of ADHD and
healthcare providers."

Organised by: the ECNP Digital Health Network.

Speaker: Maddie Groom, United Kingdom

About the GetDigital webinar series

Digital approaches are fundamentally changing traditional ways of diagnosis, monitoring, management, and treatment of brain disorders worldwide. GetDigital is a webinar series on mHealth organised by the ECNP Digital Health Applied to the Clinical Research of Brain Disorders Network.

This online series aim at sharing and distributing new and high-quality research to researchers and clinicians, educating Early Career Scientists across Europe, and foster collaborations across research groups.

Explore the GetDigital series here.

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