Early life stress, pet therapy, and diversity in neuroscience

Published: 3rd Mar. 2025

This podcast with guest speaker Francesca Cirulli, Italy, and host Silvia Bruzzone, Denmark, is part of the Brains On Brains podcast series from ECNP.

In this episode neurobiologist Francesca Cirulli, Italy, shares with PhD student Silvia Bruzzone, Denmark, her personal academic journey and her most interesting findings relating early life stress factors to vulnerability to mental disorders. She also tells us about some of her many different side projects, including pet therapy to support children with autism and the ALBA network, a network of brain scientists aiming to promote diversity and equity in neuroscience. Throughout her conversation with Silvia, Francesca gives many valuable advice to early career scientists as well.

About the Brains On Brains podcast series
The ECNP podcast series brings you conversations with some of the leading researchers in applied neuroscience, discussing their work, their career, their vision on the field, and why they do what they do. 

Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect the official position of ECNP. The content of this podcast should not be used in any way as the basis for treatment decisions.

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Cirulli Francesca


Istituto Superiore di Sanità | Italy

Silvia Bruzzone


Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet | Denmark